Our Projects
Lifestyle Center
Pella Health Store & Cafe
Organic Gardens
A person on a journey towards mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health needs to be in the right environment: a beautiful, natural setting that will both nurture and uplift. We are looking for investors/donators who would like to help us secure such a retreat for our clients..
Narda. Pella firmly believes that one hand may fall short of great things but many hands working to fulfill one mission makes all things possible... and great things are just the beginning of amazing accomplishments.
Please help us to secure a location with a least 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms; a large enough dining room; reading and seating area; and treatment rooms; consultation office(s); exercise room; outdoors fields for walking, hiking and organic farming and gardening. We will need enough acreage that will not only provide additional small studio houses for staffing and additional lodging for guests, but also room for the other phases of our project that will come later like a publishing house and a warehouse for our books and natural health products. We would also like to have a HeaRT Therapy Studio for providing community services like low cost tutoring in Math and Reading for young struggling school aged children; Mental Health Counseling and NARDA PELLA for Kids: a mini lifestyle health empowerment initiative and more...
Be one of the first to donate.... Thanks!
***In keeping with our core value of transparency... please remember that Narda Pella is NOT a non-profit organization. Please click the "Donate" button below to support any project of interest. The option to make a donation via Cash App is also available: $NardaPellaLLC.
***Please add a note or send an email detailing where you would like your donations allocated.