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A Sweet Surprise

Writer's picture: Narda ReidNarda Reid

It is very rare for me to be caught off guard. My family and friends try all the time, and whether it is a birthday or pop-up visit, I am usually ahead of the game. But "He" surprised me with the sweetest unexpected and ecstatic surprise today.

Today, I went to church and enjoyed the fellowship of God and my church family. I was headed to my car to start my short journey home when a soft voice called my name.

I turned around and it was my sweet Marissa. She is a young lady who had asked me to study the Bible with her last year.

Marissa is a Junior in high school and unlike most young people her age, she genuinely wants to have a relationship with Jesus. She was very frank about her lack of understanding when it comes to certain Biblical beliefs and without her parents' "push", she came up to me last year and has been in studies ever since. I was surprised when such a young person came to me for Bible studies. Why? I am a devout Christian, and may sometimes be seen as "super strict". Surely she would have wanted someone more liberal to teach her. But she insisted and I accepted.

This Sabbath, she came up to me in her quiet manner, and with the most beautiful smile on her face, she told me the greatest news!!! No, it wasn't about school grades or some boy who had caught her attention. It wasn't about some great trip she was going on or some frivolous non-Sabbath conversation about some new dress or hairstyle... She told me the sweetest surprise ever!

I was beyond happy! Just that week I was praying to the Lord about her because we had missed a few studies. Was she losing interest? But to the contrary, she was making plans for the biggest day in every human's life. The greatest pivotal point ever! (Sorry, is not the wedding day) ...She was planning to be baptized! She was ready to tell the whole entire world that "I am serious about my relationship with God."

It was not an impulsive decision based on emotion. She even had a projected time frame and that was before school ended in May of next year. Why so far away? She wanted to be properly educated on important Christian truths and lifestyles that would help her to stay grounded in a strong, loving, and obedient relationship with Jesus. She asked what were some studies that we may focus on to prepare her for the big day. Wow!

If only more adults would take this approach instead of prematurely rushing into baptism to be a church member on the books but who have not made a complete commitment to Christ. They still want to live in an altered state of Christianity and not one of conversion.

They say like the 7 women in Isaiah 4: 1"...We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach." In other words, "Hands off God!" Let me live my life the way I see fit, despite what your word teaches. Just being called a Christian, in name only, feels good enough for me. What a strong delusion. Sad to say too many church members will lose their salvation because they want to live double lives.

Lord, I pray that more young people and adults, in general, will make intelligent decisions to take time to know you...Take time to build the right foundation so that when the tests come to try their love for you, it will be much harder to walk away. I pray for Marissa's wise decision and that your Holy Spirit will continue to be poured out in her life. Cover her and seal her unto eternity, in Jesus' name, Amen.

There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesian 4:4-6

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