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Let The Pruning Begin

Narda Reid

God looks beyond our facade and sees our needs. He doesn't always treat us as we deserve. Neb was pompous and self-seeking, yet God saw his potential. God saw that in his heart was a seed that was already growing into a strong tree, but needed some pruning, sunlight, and more time to grow personal faith that will bear His glory.

Nebuchadnezzar was given a vision, which he knew only Daniel, through God, could interpret: The Vision of the Watchers, the Holy One, and the Beautiful Tree. (Daniel 4).

In this vision, God used a majestic, resourceful, and fruitful tree to represent Nebuchadnezzar. God warned Nebuchadnezzar that his ambitious pursuit to deny God's sovereignty was fast earning him a one-way ticket to a mental breakdown and the loss of his soul. God suggested the ways he needed to change and also the blessings that courted obedience. Conversely, as the law of opposites states, there would be negative consequences if he rejected the suggestions. He will cut down the tree. The choice was his. God gave him a year to accept him as his personal savior.

He wasted it: therefore God said inaudibly, "Let the pruning begin."

What about you? Is there some deep-rooted habits or selfish ambition that you possess that prevents you from being an oasis of blessing: being a believer or a better Christian? God tries to get your attention before you hit rock bottom but you continue to steal from the job, rob stores, use drugs, show up late for work, party throughout school and life, eat the wrong foods, sleep around, drive recklessly... possibly under the influence, being in fraternities and sororities or perhaps you may be higher up the "totem pole"...being a Freemason, Shriner, or Illuminatist? Maybe you continue to practice obeah, necromancy, Sanateria, manifestations, adultery, sexual abuse, being in a relationship with an unbeliever; lying or deception, taking advantage of your congregation, or being a stagnant Christian? How much time has God given to change?

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3) Prioritizing Differently

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